Sunday, June 28, 2009

3 Things You Must Know Before Classes Start

Before you get all caught in the hype of O Week or Re O Week, seriously,there are 3 Things you MUST KNOW before you’re classes start for the semester, especially if it is your first at University. But if you’re anything like me, then that’s what the first official week is for. But it still pays to know this.

1. Know where and when your classes are on. Know how long it takes you to get there. If you can’t get there from here, figure out an alternative route. Double the usual time if the route you take goes through the University Quad or Bar as you have to allow some time incase you make an unexpected stop to see your friends or decide to have a quick drink before class.

2. Know the course name and number. Make an effort to know your lectures name.

3. Your name is optional, but your student ID number is not. It’s the most important number that you will need to remember while you are at university, but whatever it is, don’t forget it. If you still cant remember it or don’t even know what it is, have a look on your student id card. Chances are it is there, but you still need to remember it.

Once you’ve sussed it all out, ITS PARTY TIME.

O Week Tip #1

With RE OWEEK coming up, there are a few things you should know about RE O WEEK.

O Week Tip #1

..."Know what events are happening at your university"...

There is nothing worse then getting the dates and times mixed up. Make sure you you know what events are happening where and what time. Be organized. Well, its O Week, be as organized as possible :)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Winter Fest 09 Schedule - AUT


Inverse Order
12 noon to 1 pm,
Hikuwai Plaza,
City campus
AuSMFree Feed

Sweet & Sour
(hip hop dance crew)

12 noon to 1 pm,
Library quad,
North Shore campus Ausm Free Feed.

Red Bull Studio Winter Fest In The Quad: J Salks
1pm - 4pm


Sweet & Sour
(hip hop dance crew)

12 noon to 1 pm,
Library quad,
Hikuwai Plaza,
Cit Campus
AuSM Free Feed (halal)

Clubs day & performances
12 noon to 1 pm,
Library Quad,
North Shore campus AuSM Free Feed (halal)

Red Bull Studio Winter Fest In The Quad: DJ Camile Stewart
1pm - 4pm

Tui Pub Quiz


Mechanical Bull challenge.
11 am to 1 pm,
Hikuwai Plaza, City campus
AuSM Free Feed

Climbing Wall Challenge.
11 am to 1 pm,
Library Quad,
North Shore campus
AuSM Free Feed

Comedy Nyte – Jamie Bowen,
Simon Mckinney & Gish

8 pm


Clubs day & performances.
12 noon to 1 pm,
Hikuwai Plaza, City campus
AuSM Free Feed (Halal

Inverse Order
12 noon to 1 pm,
Library Quad,
North Shore campus.
AuSM Free Feed (Halal)

Red Bull Studio Winter Fest In The Quad: DJ Omny Kaulima
1pm - 4pm

Minuit & State of Mind with special guest Cern.
8 pm, Vesbar City campus.

AUT University students with valid ID card $5 (pre sales only).

Other Tertiary students with valid ID card $15.00 (pre sales only).

$20 public tickets available from Real Groovy & AuSM receptions.

All door sales $20.00


Red Bull Studio Winter Fest In The Quad:
Karn Hall
1pm - 4pm

Sola Rosa & liquid Colours.
8 pm, Vesbar City campus.

AUT University students with valid ID card $5 (pre sales only).

Other Tertiary students with valid ID card $15.00 (pre sales only).

$20 public tickets available from Real Groovy & AuSM receptions.

All door sales $20.00

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Winter Fest 09 - AUT, VES BAR

The Winter Fest is on from MONDAY 20 JULY to FRIDAY 24 JULY...

Winter Fest 09 ScheduleComming Soon

Monday, June 22, 2009

Orientation Week

With the second semester approaching fast, and it is almost time for Orientation Week.

Well, Orientation Week
or O Week is time of year for noobs to be introduced to where they will be spending their days 'studying' for the next 2-3 years. (Or so they hope, provided that they pass from semster to semester). So, the noobs will take the time explore their new habitat,to find out useful information like where their classses are going to be held, student services, the library,where to buy text books etc. All the really important stuff. YEAH RIGHT... Well sure they need to know where all the stuff is but its O Week. This isnt the time to find all that out. Thats what the first official week is for.

O Week is the time to really find yourself and get settled in.Socially I should say. For the noobs its the time to find the really import things when it comes to student life. Like making new friends or drinking buddies, to find the quad for hackie sessions, the university drinking hole for drinking sessions obviously and to mingle with other like minded individuals, the student health services to pick up free condoms, and the closest Domino's or Subway when you got the munchies. You know. The REALLY import stuff.

O Week is basically introducing yourself to the University, be it through drinking copious amounts of alcohol, streaking through the quad, playind air guitar at the Ves, or even Trolley racing down Wakefield Street. Whatever your flavour, O Week has got it sorted.

For all the 1st years, this may be a whole new experience to them. For most, they would've just finished high school. It may be the first time they have ever moved out of home or to a new city on their own, or perhaps the first time away from 'Mum and Dad'. Whatever it is, if they choose to make the most of it, O week will be an experience that they will never forget.

And for the veterans, those who have made it through their first or even second year, O Week is just another excuse to get down and have some fun....

Sunday, June 21, 2009

What you know?

This blog is my attempt to document STUDENT LYFE. The way i see it...

The life of a University Student,studying hard and working even harder ...YEA RIGHT!!!!

WATCH as the journey unfolds....
